[[Image(http://i.imgur.com/mt7ZE1k.png, 320px, left, nolink)]][[br]][[br]] '''This Trac and Wiki contains unmarked spoilers for the game. Continue at your own descretion.''' [[br]] [[br]] [[br]] = Welcome to 403 Aurelius Street = [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/Axhud2v.png, 256px, left, nolink)]] [[br]][[br]] Greetings. This webpage will act as the central development hub for ''403 Aurelius''. ''403 Aurelius'' is an [wiki:experiment experimental project] by PSR. All development happenings will be recorded and often streamed for pubic view. Due to the nature of this project, this Trac ''will'' be publicly viewable. Visitors that are not a member of PSR may check this hub at any time, however they will be limited to viewing only. There's a ticket system for feedback/bug reporting, and additionally there's a Roadmap (click the button up above) for a detailed look at specific progress towards certain goals. [[br]] [[br]] [[br]] ||'''Links'''|| ||Information|| Links to pages on this Trac ||[wiki:aurelius Overview]|| A page detailing the game's story and the game itself ||[wiki:team PSR]|| A page describing all team members, their streams links, etc. ||[wiki:devhub DevHub]||A compilation of wiki pages for things featured in the game, such as weapons, enemies, etc. as well as misc stuff pertaining to the game. || || ||External|| Links to resources outside of this Trac ||[http://psrdigital.com/ Team Website]