= Dev Hub = This pages acts as an SDD for the game. Everything from character descriptions to game mechanics to in-depth concepts are to be stored here. There are lots of words and not many pictures. Try to not be frieghtened. ||'''General'''|| Below are some general pages that you may find useful. ||[wiki:experiment The Experiment]|| An in-depth look at the experiment behind this project ||[wiki:plot Missions and Plot]|| A list of missions, links to their wiki pages as well as a brief plot overview. Here's some wiki pages for basic info: ||'''Characters:''' Guess.|| ||[wiki:mt Mysterious Tipster]|| ||[wiki:paulblart HBC Security]|| ||[wiki:badass Caecus Security]|| || || ||'''[wiki:Equipment]:''' All of the main equipment useable in the game.|| ||[wiki:camera Camera]|| ||[wiki:taser Taser]|| ||[wiki:microtavor Micro-Tavor]|| || || ||'''Mechanics:''' Useful stuff.|| ||[wiki:keycard Keycards]||