Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of standards

2016-01-24 15:58:36 (9 years ago)



  • standards

    v11 v12  
    5252  * Rationale: Accident avoidance-- If a cubemap has a high resolution, shift-cloning or copy-pasting that cubemap could mean accidentally causing the new resulting cubemaps to also have high resolution. This can balloon file size dramatically, and is a pain to fix after the fact. 
    5353* '''If there is a named character NPC, that NPC's entity SHOULD simply be the name of that character. If the character has multiple NPCs within the same level, suffixes SHOULD be added to their entity names to differentiate them.''' 
    54   * Rationale: This makes it so level designers are never confused when they encounter an NPC called "GRD07_BATHROOMBREAK" and have absolutely no idea that he actually corresponds to "Mr. Phil" in the script. In the map, he would just be called "mrphil" or something similar. In addition, this allows choreographers to not have to guess or look up the names of the actors in any choreographed scene. 
     54  * Rationale: This makes it so level designers are never confused when they encounter an NPC called "GRD07_BATHROOMBREAK" and have absolutely no idea that he actually corresponds to "Otis" in the script. In the map, he would just be called "otis". In addition, this allows choreographers to not have to guess or look up the names of the actors in any choreographed scene. 
    5656== 2D Art ==