Version 3 (modified by crypt, 9 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to Aurelius Street

Greetings. This webpage will act as the central development hub for 403 Aurelius St.

403 Aurelius St. is an experimental project by PSR. All development happenings will be recorded and often streamed for pubic view.

Due to the nature of this project, this Trac will be publicly viewable. Visitors that are not a member of PSR may check this hub at any time, however they will be limited to viewing only.

There's a ticket system for feedback/bug reporting, and additionally there's a Roadmap (click the button up above) for a detailed look at specific progress towards certain goals.

Information Links to pages on this Trac
PSR A page describing all team members, their streams links, etc.
Plot A overview of the game's plot
DevHubA compilation of wiki pages for things featured in the game, such as weapons, enemies, etc. as well as misc stuff pertaining to the game.

External Links to resources outside of this Trac
Team Website